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3/16 Post

Welcome to this week's blog post! 

Since my first SAT finished last Saturday, I expected this week to be very chilling and calm. However, that didn't happen. There were multiple tests that I had to do and big debate was also scheduled. It was a busy week, but it was very fun and worth living. 

During this week, there was a process in my book reading!

When I was buying the book "변하는것과 변하지 않는것", I thought the book was a list of successful business marketing cases. Totally unlike what I expected, the book was more about the study of marketing. As I was reading the book almost halfway through, I got to know the concept of marketing and this kind of basic knowledge of the business.

The author's writing style fitted my preference. His style was right in the middle of between writing too fancy and writing too informal. Because of this, it was easier for me to process on reading this book. 

Sadly, I expect next week to be a little tough on reading. Since next week is the last week of the quarter, there will be lots of work to do. But I will try to keep my reading up.

Thank you!


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