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2/22 Post

Welcome to today's post!

During this week, I didn't keep up with my reading so well. There were few reasons. The SAT is upcoming very soon and Hakwons are taking up all my time. Also, these days I'm feeling exhausted all the time for some reason and it is hard to do something. 

Anyway, that doesn't mean I didn't read the book at all! During this week I read the part that talks about Spanish invasion on South America, especially the Incas. The author divided the reason why Spanish were able to conquer Incas so easily. Incas at that time were one of the strongest people in South America. However, Incas were overtaken by Spanish in very short time. Here are some reasons the author mentioned. First, Incas were not in the steel age yet. Although Incas were the most advantaged people in South America, technical gap between Europe and America was so huge. When Europeans were using steels such as  sword, Incas were still using wooden stick. Second, Incas weren't aware of horses. When Spanish came riding horses,  not only the appearance of white surprised them, but also horses. Third, germs that Europeans brought with them were critical. Incas weren't immune to any of the germs and more people died due to  sickness than wars. 

To summarize this week again, the process wasn't so successful. I didn't read book everyday and I didn't willingly read. Mrs. Yoon predicted exactly that the goal was too extreme. I have changed my mind a little to lower down the goal from one book a week to one book in two weeks or three. 

To do better, I thought that I need to do my works home so that I can read during study hall. This week study halls were spent mostly to prepare for my tests.

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